Read to the end to find links to our free CPD-valid learning resources: Videos, Podcasts, e-learning and more.
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is a vital part of maintaining professional competence and staying up to date with developments in midwifery. But what counts towards CPD, and how can midwives ensure their learning activities meet the NMC’s criteria?

What Activities Count as CPD?
The NMC requires midwives to complete 35 hours of CPD every year. These activities must link to the core principles of the NMC code, which includes:
Prioritise People
Practice Effectively
Preserve Safety
Promote Professionalism.
The NMC provides guidance on what constitutes CPD, but the range of eligible activities is broad, allowing you to tailor your learning to your professional needs and interests. Activities that can count towards CPD include:
Workshops and Conferences - Attending or presenting at relevant professional workshops or conferences.
Find a list of RCM conferences here.
Formal Education - Enrolling in accredited courses, such as those focusing on advanced midwifery practice or leadership and management is a valuable way to gain in-depth knowledge and skills.
Find a list of NMC approved courses here.
In-Service Training - Participating in training sessions or study days offered by employers, such as updates on clinical guidelines or new healthcare technologies, contributes to CPD.
Contact us for DILAPAN-S, AmniSure, or PartoSure training via email at
E-Learning - Online courses, webinars, and virtual seminars on topics relevant to midwifery are convenient options. Ensure the course provider is reputable and provides a certificate of completion.
Research and Clinical data - Reviewing journals, evidence-based guidelines, and research articles helps you stay informed about advancements in practice.
Reflective Practice - Writing reports on audit data can count as CPD, especially when shared with colleagues during group discussions.
Submit your audit data on DILAPAN-S, AmniSure, or PartoSure via email at
Mentoring and Teaching - Delivering training sessions to colleagues or acting as a mentor for student midwives provides valuable learning opportunities for both the mentor and mentee.
Sign up for the DILAPAN-S train the trainer programme via email at
Peer Groups Sharing and Professional Networks - Participating in professional networks or midwifery forums allows for sharing knowledge and best practices
Sign up for a DILAPAN-S peer-sharing group by contacting us at
Listen to recordings of previous DILAPAN-S peer-sharing groups at the Labour of Love Podcast channel here.

Ensuring Activities Meet CPD Requirements
To ensure that your activities count towards CPD:
Relevance: Activities must be relevant to your role and improve your practice.
Documentation: Keep records of your CPD activities, including dates, details of the activity, and how it benefited your practice. Use the NMC’s CPD log template to make this easier.
Reflection: Reflect on what you learned and how it will impact your care delivery. Include these reflections in your revalidation portfolio.
For more resources and help, contact us at